
UD-CCM’s 52,000 sq-ft, state-of-the-art, facilities and research equipment consist of the Manufacturing Sciences Laboratory (34,000 sq-ft) and the Applications and Technology Transfer Laboratory, ATTL, an 18,000 Sq. ft. off-campus laboratory facility located approximately 3 miles from the Manufacturing Sciences Laboratory. Faculty, staff, and students have access to a broad spectrum of characterization, manufacturing, processing, and support equipment within the center and the University.
Specialized laboratories at CCM Include:
- Chemical Characterization Labs: Features a suite of state-of-the-art thermal analysis equipment for polymers and composites including DSC, TGA, DMA, TMA, Rheometers, FTIR, Spectrometers, QUV tester, Plasma Treatment Systems.
- Mechanical Characterization Lab: Features servo hydraulic high-strain-rate test frames, tension/torsion test systems, multi-station fatigue test systems, high frequency actuators, temperature/humidity environmental chambers, low and high energy drop weight impact towers, and full stress strain measurement systems, hardness testers.
- Impact Physics Lab: Features a Hopkinson bar with high speed data acquisition system, a low-velocity gas gun and impact chamber, and high speed cameras.
- Microscopy Lab: Optical microscopes, AFM, Polishing stations, table-top SEM.
- Processing Science Labs: Liquid Molding (RTM/VARTM) equipment for both room and elevated temperature processing, DACA micro-extruder, twin screw Haake extruder, Peltsman low pressure injection molder, TEC autoclave (1200F, 550 psi), walk-in oven and other equipment needed to scale up research processes to demonstrate manufacturability.
- Materials Interface Science Lab: Features a Dynamic Interphase Loading Apparatus (DILA), micro-droplet tester, test frames for single filament tests, experimental electrospinning equipment, and a high speed photography and motion analysis system.
- Computer Lab: Computational facilities for students and visiting faculty. Major computational equipment includes an UV-1000 SGI Supercomputer with 384 cores, and a Windows cluster with 40 cores.
- Applications Technology Transfer Laboratory: capabilities include state-of-the-art technology for mechanical design, surface modeling, 3D solid modeling, draping simulation and ply-cutting pattern generation, composite laminate schedule “drawings” (FiberSim), and integration with analysis, CNC machining, data management, a SmartMolding system, a commercial pultrusion line and a thermoplastic prepreg line. ATTL provides facilities to transition basic and applied research and prototype full-scale components to validate models and simulation through lab and field testing.
Click here for details about CCM Equipment.
Click here for CCM’s Virtual Tour.