Joint Faculty
Associate Director, CCM Show Specialties Polymer and composite processing, transport phenomena in manufacturing processes, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics and rheology, fiber suspensions, flow through porous media, computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, wind energy
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology Show Specialties Adaptive capacity of the human musculoskeletal system during movement tasks
Interaction between the musculoskeletal system and prosthetic and orthotic devices Optimization of the design and prescription of prosthetic and orthotic devices |
Professor, Show Specialties Polymer nanocomposites; nanostructured materials and surfaces; polymer morphology and structure-property relationships; surface and interface phenomena in polymers
Adjunct Professor, Show Specialties Composite Modeling, Experimental Mechanics
Associate Professor, Show Specialties Tribological characterization, environmental testing, probing buried interfaces, multifunctional tribomaterials, modeling
Professor, Civil & Show Specialties Population dynamics of biological wastewater treatment processes, biotransformation of environmental contaminants in natural and engineered systems.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Applications of composite materials in civil engineering structures, use of composites for infrastructure rehabilitation.
Professor Emeritus Show Specialties Modeling & characterization of polymer-metal and ceramic-based fiber composites; nanotube-based composites;
micro- and nano-mechanics. |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Ph.D., University of Massachusetts |
Thomas & Kipp Gutshall Professor |
Professor, Show Specialties Major research focus is offshore wind power. Firestone analyzes the feasibility, environmental impacts, capacity and public support/opposition related to offshore wind farms.
Assistant Professor, Show Specialties Clean Energy & Environment, Composites & Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology
William H. Severns Jr. Distinguished Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Show Specialties Colloid and polymer physics, microrheology, active and non-linear microrheology, controlled delivery of therapeutics, cell biophysics, complex fluid structure and rheology, particulate gels, directed self-assembly.
Professor of: Show Specialties Composites, processing, mechanics, design, interphase science, adhesion, experimental methods
Professor, Show Specialties Research in the department covers a broad range of basic and applied topics in the field of mechanical engineering. Members of the department conduct research in the general areas of controls, fluid mechanics, materials, nonlinear dynamics, and solid mechanics.
Assistant Professor Show Specialties Microfluidics, Microfabrication-based approaches to regenerative medicine, Dynamics of multicellular systems, Mechanics and dynamics of morphogenesis, Mechanotransduction.
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Show Specialties Optoelectronics and optical fiber communication; investigations into solid state devices, nanoelectronics, electromagnetics and composite materials.
Associate Professor, Show Specialties Bridges for the Future, Disasters, Infrastructure, Structural
Assistant Director for Technology, CCM Show Specialties Advanced composites manufacturing including VARTM, automated thermoplastic tape placement, pultrusion and induction-based thermoplastic processing
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Show Specialties Biomechanics
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences Show Specialties Nitrogen cycling, agroecology
Bob and Jane Gore, Show Specialties Process Operations, Design and Synthesis of flexible production systems focusing on pharmaceutical manufacturing,energy and sustainability process modeling and operations; and modeling of biopharmaceutical production.
Professor, Show Specialties Cost Analysis of Advanced Materials & Processing; management control systems, applied statistics.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Computational geomechanics, constitutive modeling of geomaterials and polymers
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Show Specialties Modeling of Joints in Fabric Structures; Rapid Tooling and Rapid Prototyping
Director, Center for Carbon Free Power Integration, College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment Show Specialties Electric cars, energy, environmental, marine, public policy, V2G technology, wind power
Professor, Materials Show Specialties Analog front end design, embedded systems, advanced sensors and hardware integration, infrared projection and detection
Senior Researcher, Materials Science Show Specialties investigates the synthesis, characterization, and application of biologically inspired and biologically produced materials
Joint Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Director, Center for Catalytic Science & Technology Show Specialties Inorganic materials synthesis and characterization, catalysis and kinetics, and adsorption and separations.
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science & Engineering |
Karl W. and Renate Böer Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Show Specialties Organic molecular semiconductors, organic conductive polymer films, low impedance biomimetic conductive polymer coatings and bioactive hydrogel coatings for microelectrodes on biomedical devices and biosensors, electrically conductive polymer nanotubes, oriented electrospun nanofibers
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Bridge engineering, non-linear behavior and stability of steel structures, aging infrastructure, design for extreme events, computational analysis
Vice President, |
Associate Director for Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing, CCM; Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering; Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Show Specialties Multifunctional additive manufacturing of high frequency electromagnetic devices and systems, electromagnetically functionalized materials, computational electromagnetics, radome design and fabrication, radar absorbing materials and structures.
Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering Show Specialties Transmission electron microscopy in materials science; in situ electron microscopy and characterization; nanotubes and fibers; composites.
Director, Show Specialties Polymer Fibers, Films, and Composites
Professor, Materials Show Specialties Research has emphasized interfacial phenomena, including electrical conduction in metallic composites, metal/polymer adhesion, and the source of electron traps at oxide/semiconductor interfaces.
Professor and Chair, Material Science & Engineering Show Specialties Investigate vesicle, micelle and hydrogel formation in dilute aqueous systems of block polypeptides
Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering Show Specialties Clean energy including fuel cells, Li-ion batteries, wind and ocean current energy, and vehicle-to-grid technology
Engineering Alumni Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Show Specialties Silicon Photonics; Ultra-wideband Conformal Antennas;Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging; High-Frequency Optical Modulators and RF Photonic Integration
Karl W. and Renate Boer Professor, Materials Show Specialties Polymers, electrospinning; organic thin films; IR/Raman spectroscopy; biomolecular materials for tissue engineering
Professor, |
Associate Professor |
Professor, Show Specialties Applied Mechanics, Orthopedic Biomechanics, Composite Materials
Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Hybrid CMOS Photonic ICs for High-Speed Optical Interconnects used in Data Center connectivity, CMOS/BiCMOS RF Photonic ICs for next-generation wireless systems, Circuits using emerging nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices for realizing neuromorphic and Edge-AI circuits for obtaining energy-efficient embedded intelligence
Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Structural health monitoring and condition assessment of civil infrastructure, innovative systems and materials for low-rise construction
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Show Specialties Reasearch is in the general field of planning and control of robotic systems, with emphasis to multi-agent coordination. Specific areas include hybrid dynamical systems, mobile manipulation, nonholonomic motion planning and control, and mobile sensor networks.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Show Specialties Bridge Engineering, Infrastructure Repair and Strengthening with Composite Materials, Multifunctional Construction Adhesives and Sealants
Professor, Show Specialties Processing and characterization of composite materials focusing on carbon nanotube and advanced fiber reinforcements, novel multifunctional composites, micro/nano mechanics modeling techniques.
H. Fletcher Brown Show Specialties Shell, plate, and panel structures of composite materials subjected to static, vibrational, impact, and hygrothermal loads; piezoelectric effects; high-strain-rate effects; sandwich structures; adhesive-bonded joints
Director, Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation Show Specialties Reaction engineering and materials synthesis areas and the interplay of chemistry with transport over multiple length and time scales
Alvin B. and Julia O. Stiles Professor, Show Specialties Rheology of colloidal dispersion, nano-particles, surfactant, biopolymer and polymer blends; non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of complex fluids; molecular mechanics of diffusion in nano-structured materials
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Show Specialties Clean Energy, Composite Materials, Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering, Energy, Environmental, Global Initiative
Director, |
Director, Nanofabrication Laboratory Research Show Specialties Transport, magnetic, and super-conducting properties in nanostructured materials, super-conducting properties and giant magneto-resistance in ceramic solids.
Assistant Director for Research, CCM Show Specialties Cost-effective manufacturing technologies for polymer and ceramic matrix composites, composites repair, magnetic materials and nanocomposites, smart structures and systems, electromagnetic signature management solutions, composite micromechanics and information technology